03 May P.E.I. Invasive Species Council – Detecting New Invasive Species
Posted at 11:16h
in News
The PEI Invasive Species Council (PEIISC) needs your help in the fight against invasive species! If you have not done so already-please, update your data from the summer. Detecting new introductions early allows us to have a rapid response, which leads to better management of the outbreak. We call this effort to control an invasive species before it spreads significantly early detection and rapid response (EDRR). If you think you have seen an invasive species on PEI, please report your sighting to the PEIISC. We accept reports 24/7, and there are several ways you can make a report, no matter where you are!
For more information about what makes a good report and how you can make a report, please click here.